Before Purchase

Do you deliver internationally?

Yes we do! International shipping fees will apply - email us at leon@thekettlegourmet.comand provide us your full address and country for us to get an official quote from the international couriers.

Do you ship to East Malaysia?

Yes we do! At the moment, we only ship to East Malaysia via Shopee and Lazada. Below are our links!



Are you guys halal certified?

Yes we are!

What's the shelf life of your popcorn?

1 year! Store in a cool, dry place away from light and best consumed within 3 days of opening.

What are my payment options?

We accept:
- Online Banking, E-Wallet, Debit Card via BillPlz

- Credit Card via Stripe

How much does shipping cost?

You can refer to our shipping rates here. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to email us at  

Do you guys do pantry subscription for offices and homes?

Yes we do! Email us at leon@thekettlegourmet.comfor more information.

Delivery & Tracking

How long does delivery take?

All of our items ship in 24 hours. Shipping times are available here. Note that shipping times are estimates, it is depended on the country's customs jurisdiction.

How do I track my order?

You will receive an email with the tracking number once your order dispatches from our fulfilment centre. If you have issues with your order, please email us at

What is the status of my order?

All orders will be dispatched within 1 working day. If you do not receive your email with the tracking number within 5 working days of placing your order, please email us at so we can rectify the issue. 

After Purchase

What should I do if I received my order, but an item is missing?

At The Kettle Gourmet, we strive for accuracy in fulfilling orders, but we understand that errors can occur. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please contact us at, and our team will promptly assist you in resolving this matter and ensuring that you receive the missing item. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we appreciate your understanding.

Can I request an exchange?

Should there be a need for exchanges, you may refer here for our exchange policy.

Can't find what you were looking for?

We're here to help you find what you need. If you couldn't find a specific item or have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Simply send an email to, and our team will be happy to assist you. We're committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your satisfaction.